HTTP Error 505: Version Not Supported – How to Fix It

Fix HTTP Error 505 Version Not Supported

HTTP error 505 is a relatively rare error that indicates that the server cannot support the HTTP protocol version that is requested by the client. This error can occur due to various reasons, such as an outdated browser, incompatible web server software, or incorrect server configurations. In this article, we will discuss the causes of HTTP error 505 and provide practical solutions to fix it.

Understanding HTTP Error 505

HTTP error 505 occurs when the client tries to communicate with the server using a higher version of HTTP protocol than the server is capable of handling. The error message displayed to the user typically reads “HTTP Version not Supported” or “505 HTTP Version not Supported”. HTTP error 505 is a server-side error, which means that it is not caused by the user’s browser or computer. The error occurs when the server fails to recognize the HTTP version specified in the client’s request.

Causes of HTTP Error 505

There are several reasons why HTTP error 505 may occur, some of which include:

1. Outdated Browser

One of the most common causes of HTTP error 505 is using an outdated browser. Newer versions of HTTP may not be supported by older browser versions, resulting in the error. To fix this issue, simply update your browser to the latest version.

2. Incompatible Web Server Software

Another reason for HTTP error 505 is using incompatible web server software. Some web servers do not support the latest versions of HTTP, resulting in the error. In this case, you need to update your web server software to a version that supports the required HTTP version.

3. Incorrect Server Configurations

HTTP error 505 can also occur due to incorrect server configurations. For example, if the server administrator has disabled support for a specific version of HTTP, the server will not be able to handle requests that use that version. In this case, the server administrator needs to update the server configurations to enable support for the required HTTP version.

How to Fix HTTP Error 505

To fix HTTP error 505, you can try the following solutions:

1. Update Your Browser

As mentioned earlier, using an outdated browser can cause HTTP error 505. To fix this issue, simply update your browser to the latest version.

2. Clear Your Browser Cache

Clearing your browser cache can also help fix HTTP error 505. Your browser cache may contain outdated information that can cause conflicts with the HTTP version required by the server. To clear your browser cache, go to your browser’s settings and select the option to clear your browsing data.

3. Contact the Website Administrator

If you are getting HTTP error 505 while trying to access a specific website, you can contact the website administrator and ask them to update their server software or configurations to support the required HTTP version.

4. Use a Different Browser

If updating your browser does not work, you can try using a different browser to access the website that is causing the error. Some browsers may be more compatible with the required HTTP version than others.

5. Check Your Server Configurations

If you are the server administrator, you should check your server configurations to ensure that they support the required HTTP version. You may need to update your server software or configurations to enable support for the version of HTTP required by the client.


HTTP error 505 is a rare but frustrating error that can occur due to various reasons. By understanding the causes of HTTP error 505 and following the solutions provided in this article, you can fix the error and access the website or resource you need.


What does HTTP error 505 mean?

HTTP error 505 means that the server cannot support the HTTP protocol version requested by the client. This error can occur due to various reasons such as an outdated browser, incompatible web server software, or incorrect server configurations.

How can I fix HTTP error 505?

To fix HTTP error 505, you can try updating your browser, clearing your browser cache, contacting the website administrator, using a different browser, or checking your server configurations.

Why am I getting HTTP error 505?

You may be getting HTTP error 505 due to using an outdated browser, incompatible web server software, or incorrect server configurations.

Can HTTP error 505 be fixed?

Yes, HTTP error 505 can be fixed by following the solutions provided in this article.

How can I prevent HTTP error 505 in the future?

You can prevent HTTP error 505 in the future by ensuring that your browser and server software are up to date and that server configurations are correct.

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