How to Change Linux VPS Password?

Linux is a popular and powerful operating system that is used by a large number of users worldwide. Linux is now vital to the way many people carry out their day-to-day computer tasks. 

The global internet community will be a far more difficult place to navigate without Linux servers. It is important for people to realize this and show that they’re doing their part to keep the internet free and accessible to everyone. 

Although Linux was originally designed for personal computers (PCs), it has since been made more adaptable to a number of different platforms. Linux is a great solution for a Virtual Private Server (VPS). A VPS works as a Virtual machine hosted by the internet hosting service providers.

VPS provides you with the feeling of having an operating system installation of your own, so you have more control over the configuration of your system.

Apart from this, when it comes to securing systems, including Linux, a password is a must. In the case of VPS, though passwordless SSH has many advantages, but we still recommend securing your VPS with a password, as it’s the first line of defense.

So, the primary purpose of this article is to show you how to change your server’s password.

Change Linux VPS Password

Change Linux VPS Password

Linux users’ passwords should be changed regularly to reinforce security and make the system more difficult to compromise. And not only that even it is only recommended that a unique password be used for a single account.

Now, let’s dive into the steps that we have mentioned below:-

  • First of all, you have to access your VPS using SSH.
  • After that, it will land you in the command line for Linux.
  • Once you reach there, now you have to change the password using this command:
  • At this point now you have to enter your current password only if you’re logged in not as a root user.
  • You will then be asked twice for your new password in the command line.
  • Once done, now the following message should confirm that your password has been changed:

Passwords and Linux

Online security should be a priority for everyone, and while many of you probably sense that using the same password on different sites is not a good practice, but, you may still be doing it.

As everyone knows, coming up with a strong password is something that can be very challenging. And having to come up with unique passwords for all of your accounts makes it even more difficult.

You also have to remember them so it can be quite a headache. When most people log into their online banking account, they just click the “Forgotten Password” link and have the prospective password sent to their email address. It’s easy but it leaves your privacy vulnerable to anyone who might gain access to that information.

In short, it is important to create a strong password for your VPS account so that unauthorized users cannot access it. And it is recommended that you stay away from common password patterns. Combining all the possible criteria will make your password even more secure.

While apart from this, it is crucial to keep two files in mind when managing passwords in Linux, and here they are:-

  • /etc/passwd
  • /etc/shadow

The first file, /etc/passwd contains the following information of the user:-

  • Encrypted password
  • Group ID
  • Home directory

While the second file, /etc/shadow contains the following information of the user:-

  • Encrypted user passwords
  • SSH key ownership
  • Last password change
  • Password expiration date


The best way to protect your data is by updating your passwords periodically. Some users forget to change their passwords and end up making it much easier for attackers to break in. 

A good security tip is to have a different password on every possible portal so that even if one gets hacked, the others remain secure. Just like that your Virtual Private Server’s (VPS) security also depends on your passwords.

While changing the Linux VPS Password is straightforward as you only need to enter a new password after running a simple command. You can also purchase Linux VPS from us, we offer VPS with high security and secured passwords.

Moreover, if you suspect that your account has been hacked or you have experienced a security breach, change your password immediately.

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