Common SSH Commands in Linux With Examples

SSH is the short form of Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell. SSH is an encrypted protocol to connect and communicate between two systems using a secured link over an unsecured network. Tatu Ylonen developed it in 1995. The SSH protocol’s three layers are the authentication, transport, and connection layers.

SSH commands in Linux

SSH command is a command used in Linux. There are many SSH commands in Linux, such as terminal commands, file listing commands, etc. Following are the commonly used SSH commands in Linux. 

  • ls Command
  • cd Command
  • pwd Command
  • In Command
  • mkdir Command
  • rm Command
  • cat Command
  • cp Command
  • mv Command
  • kill Command
  • chmod Command
  • wc Command
  • rmdir Command
  • tail Command
  • more Command
  • grep Command
  • find Command
  • pico Command
  • vi/nano Command
  • history Command
  • clear Command
  • tar Command
  • file Command
  • wget Command
  • du Command
  • du -sh Command
  • ps Command
  • touch Command
  • last Command
  • netstat Command
  • zip Command
  • unzip Command
  • reset Command
  • exit Command

ls Command

ls Command is a directory and file listing command. It lists the directory content, i.e.; files and directories. 

Syntax: ls [Options] [File]

ls command can be customized with several options to differentiate the outcomes. The commonly used options in ls command are the following. 

  • ls -a

ls -a display all files including hidden file starting with the dot (.).


O ls -a 

.                           brave             Downloads                g01.13.5.linux – amd64.tar.gz   Music                  .python_history

..                          bse                 .eclipse                     .gphoto                                        .mysql_history   .python_history – 21278.tmp 

article_images  bsedata         eclipse                      .gradle                                          .node – gyp          . qd

assignment       .bundle          eclipse-workspace   index.php                                    .npm                     raycast.txt

.atom                 .cache             .emacs.d                   info-page-content                       .nvm                     sample_assignments

.bash_history    cloning           en-GB                                .p2                        .sass – cache

.bash_it              .config            flameshot_ss           insta                                              Pictures               share

.bash_logout     .dbshell          .gem                          .local                                             .pkt                         snap

.bash_profile     .degit                git                             .m2                                               .profile                  solution-info-content

.bashrc               Desktop          .gitconfig                  meetings                            

.bashrc.bak        development  .gnome                    .mongorc.js                                  .psql_history       solution-page-content

bin                       Documents     . gnupg                    .mozilla                                          Public       

  • ls -d */

ls -d */ displays only the sub-directories.


O ls -d */ 

article_images / bin / Desktop / Documents / eclipse / en – GB / info – page – content / meetings / sample_assignments /

assignment / bse / development / Downloads / eclipse-workspace / git / insta / Pictures / share /

  • ls -l

ls -l displays full information about files, such as file name, size, modified date and time, the owner, and the permissions in long listing format.


O ls -l

total 117448

drwxrwxr – x 3 ubuntu ubuntu               5094 May 10 14:13 article_images

drwxrwxr – x 5 ubuntu ubuntu             17382 May 31 2021 assignment

drwxrwxr – x 2 ubuntu ubuntu               5094 Jan   2  2021 bin 

drwxrwxr – x 4 ubuntu ubuntu               5094 May   9  2021 bse

-rw – rw – r– 1 ubuntu ubuntu                       0 Jan     2  2021 Cloning

  • ls -F

ls -F displays files with special characters such as *, @, etc.


O ls -F

article_images / Cloning          Downloads /           git /           raycast.txt 

assignment /      Desktop /      eclipse /     go1.13.5.linux – amd64.tar.gz  insta                 sampe_file.txt 

bin /                     development /      eclipse – workspace / index.php          meetings /       sample_assignments /

bse /                    Documents /    en – GB /     info – page – content /            Pictures /          share

  • ls -sh

ls -sh displays the file sizes in human-readable format.


O ls -sh

total 115M

4.0K article_images  4.0K Desktop          4.0K eclipse-workspace          4.0K info-page-content.         0 raycast.txt

16K assignment        4.0K development  4.0K en – GB                               4.0K   0 sampe_file.txt

4.0K bin                      4.0K Documents     4.0K git                                      4.0K insta.                           4.0K sample_assignments 

4.0K bse                     48K Downloads      115M go1.13.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz  4.0K meeting.           4.0K share 

0 Cloning                    4.0K eclipse             4.0K index.php                          12K Pictures.                      4.0K snap

  • ls -lh

ls -lh displays full information about file names in human-readable format.


O ls -sh

total 115M 

drwxrwxr – x 3 ubuntu ubuntu      4.0K May 10 14:13 article_images 

drwxrwxr – x 5 ubuntu ubuntu      16K May 31 2022 assignment 

drwxrwxr – x 2 ubuntu ubuntu      4.0K Jan 2

drwxrwxr – x 4 ubuntu ubuntu      4.0K May 9 2022 bin 2021 bse 

-rw – rw – r . 1 ubuntu ubuntu        0 Jan 2 2022 Cloning

drwxr – xr – x 12 ubuntu ubuntu    4.0K Jun 29 17:29 Desktop

drwxrwxr – x 9 ubuntu ubuntu       4.0K Jun 9 16:46 development 

drwxr – xr – x 6 ubuntu ubuntu       4.0K Jun 24 12:06 Documents 

drwxr – xr – x 37 ubuntu ubuntu     44K Jun 29 13:57 Downloads

drwxrwxr – x 3 ubuntu ubuntu        4.0K May 25 12:56 eclipse 

drwxrwxr – x 3 ubuntu ubuntu        4.0K May 25 17:49

drwxrwxr – x 5 ubuntu ubuntu        4.0K Jani 9 2022 en – GB 

drwxrwxr – x 13 ubuntu ubuntu      4.0K Feb 15 20:53 git 

-rw – rw – r .. 1 ubuntu ubuntu         115M Dec 5 2021 go1.13.5 linux-and64.tar.gz

-rw – rw – r– 1 ubuntu ubuntu          19 Mar 24 2022 index.php

drwxrwxr – x 2 ubuntu ubuntu        4.0K Apr 12 2022 info-page-content

-rw – rw – r .. 1 ubuntu ubuntu.        3.6K Apr 12 2022 

drwxrwxr – x 3 ubuntu ubuntu        4.0K May 31 2022 insta

drwxrwxr – x 2 ubuntu ubuntu        4.0K Jun 6 2022 meetings

drwxrwxr – x 2 ubuntu ubuntu        12K Jun 29 17:09  Pictures

  • ls -r

ls -r display all files in reverse alphabetic order.


O ls -r

Videos      solution-info-content     sample_assignments     Pictures   go1.13.5.1tnux-and64.tar.gz

test.txt     solution-page-content            snap                                 sample_file.txt               meeting.      git

study        share                                raycast.txt                       insta.            Index.php.                       en-GB

  • ls –version

ls –version displays the version of the ls command.


O ls –version

ls (GNU coreutils) 8.30 

Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 

License GPLv3 +: GNU GPL version 3 or later < >. 

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. 

There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. 

Written by Richard M. Stallman and David Mackenzie.

  • ls -ltr

ls -ltr displays a long list of files based on modification date in reverse output order.


O ls -ltr 

total 117448 

-rw – rw – r .. 1 ubuntu ubuntu       120074076 Dec 5 2020 go1.13.5.11nux – and64.tar.gz 

drwxrwxr – x 2 ubuntu ubuntu       4096 Jan 2 2021 bin

-rw – rw – r- . 1 ubuntu ubuntu        0 Jan 2 2021 cloning

drwxrwxr – x 5 ubuntu ubuntu       4896 Jan 9 en-GB

drwxrwxrwx 3 ubuntu ubuntu        4896 Feb 9 share

-rw – rw – r– 1 ubuntu ubuntu         19 Mar 24 index.php

drwxrwxr – x 2 ubuntu ubuntu        4896 Apr 10 solution-page-content

-rw – rw – r .. 1 ubuntu ubuntu        10566 Apr 10

drwxrwxr – x 2 ubuntu ubuntu        4896 Apr 12 info-page-content

-rw – rw – r– 1 ubuntu ubuntu          3616 Apr 12

drwxrwxr – x 2 ubuntu ubuntu        4896 Apr 13 solution-info-content

-rw – rw – r .. 1 ubuntu ubuntu         3921 Apr 13

drwxrwxr – x 4 ubuntu ubuntu        4896 May 9 bse

drwxrwxr – x 3 ubuntu ubuntu        4896 May 31 insta 

drwxrwxr – x 5 ubuntu ubuntu       16384  May 31 assignment 

drwxrwxr – x 2 ubuntu ubuntu        4896  Jun 16 meetings 

drwxrwxr – x 4 ubuntu ubuntu        4896 Jun 10 sample_assignments

drwxrwxr – x 13 ubuntu ubuntu      4896  Feb 15 glt

  • ls -t

ls -t display files based on modification time & date, i.e.; displays the last edited file first.


O ls -t 

Desktop  sample_file.txt      eclipse-workspace      raycast.txt                         meetings

Pictures Downloads              snap                             study                                   assignment       solution-info-content solution-page-content

test.txt Documents                eclipse                         git                                        insta                  index.php

Videos development              article_images           sample_assignments       bse                     info-page-content.                      share

  • ls -n

ls -n displays each file’s User ID and Group ID instead of their names.


O ls -n

total 117448

drwxrwxr – x 3 1000   1000               5094   May   10 14:13  article_images

drwxrwxr – x 5 1000   1000               17382 May   31 2021  assignment

drwxrwxr – x 2 1000   1000               5094   Jan     2  2021  bin 

drwxrwxr – x 4 1000   1000             5094   May    9  2021  bse

-rw – rw – r- – 1  1000   1000                  0    Jan     2  2021  Cloning

  • ls -m

ls -m displays a list of files separated by commas.


O ls -m

article_images, assignment, bta, bse, Cloning, Desktop, development, Documents, Downloads, eclipse, eclipse-workspace, en-GB, git, got.13.5.tx-andse.tar.gz, index.php, info-page-content,, insta, meetings, Pictures, raycast.txt, sample file.txt, sample_assignments, snap, solution-info-content,, solution-page-content,, study, test.txt, videos

  • ls -g

 ls -g displays full information about files, such as file name, size, modified date and time, and permissions in long listing format by excluding the owner and group information.


O ls -g

total 117448

drwxrwxr – x 3 ubuntu            5094   May   10 14:13  article_images

drwxrwxr – x 5 ubuntu            17382 May   31 2021  assignment

drwxrwxr – x 2 ubuntu            5094   Jan     2  2021  bin 

drwxrwxr – x 4 ubuntu            5094   May    9  2021  bse

-rw – rw – r– 1 ubuntu                    0    Jan     2  2021  Cloning

  • ls -i

ls -i display the index number of files.


O ls -i

402615 article_images  524302 Desktop             5646847 eclipse-workspace       399194 info-page-content            397164 raycast.txt    

1979577 assignment     2490877 development   397219 en-GB                                399293     415825 sampe_file.txt

791302 bin                       524307 Documents       2490899 git                                     1717357 insta                    1717406 sample_assignments

1451139 bse                    524304 Downloads        395750 g01.13.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz       1717467 meeting             2367133 share

395904 Cloning               408670 eclipse                403227 index.php                            524309 Pictures                         397700 snap

cd Command

The cd command is used to switch, jump, or move into another directory without typing the entire file path. cd means change directory.

Syntax: cd [Options] [Directory]

cd command can be customized with many options to differentiate the outcomes. The commonly used options in cd command are the following. 

  • cd /

cd / is used to switch to the root or parent directory from any other directory.


shibi@linux:~$ cd /

shibi@linux:/$ pwd



  • cd ~

cd ~ is used to switch back to the home directory from any other directory.


shibi@linux:~/documens/father/stepfather$ cd ~

shibi@linux:~$ pwd



  • cd ..

cd .. is used to switch to the previous directory.


shibi@linux:~/parent/baby directory$ pwd

/home/abhi/parent/baby directory

shibi@linux:~/parent/baby directory$ cd ..

shibi@linux:~/parent$ pwd



  • cd ../..

cd ../.. is used to switch back multiple directories.


shibi@linux:~/parent/baby directory$ cd ../..

shibi@linux:~/parent$ pwd



  • cd –

cd – is used to return to previous directory.


shibi@linux:~/parent/son1/son2$ pwd


shibi@linux:~/parent/son1/son2$ cd ../..

shibi@linux:~/parent$ pwd


shibi@linux:~/parent$ cd –


shibi@linux:~/parent/son1/son2$ pwd



  • cd dir_name

cd dir_name is used to obtain the relative pathname.


shibi@linux:~/parent$ ls

son1 ‘son directory’

shibi@linux:~/parent$ cd son1


pwd command

The pwd command is used to get the full path name from the root directory to the current directory. pwd means print working directory. The exit statuses of pwd command are zero (success) and non-zero (failure).

Syntax: pwd [option]

pwd command can be customized with many options to differentiate the outcomes. The commonly used options in pwd command are the following. 

  • pwd -L

pwd -L displays symbolic links instead of absolute paths.


shibi@linux: ~ $ cd programs 

shibi@linux: ~/~ programs $ pwd -P/home/shibi/~programs

shibi@linux: ~/~ programs $

  • pwd -P

pwd -P displays the absolute path of the working directory and avoids symbolic links.


shibi@linux: ~ $ cd programs 

shibi@linux: ~/~ programs$ pwd -P/home/shibi/Linux 

shibi@linux: ~/~ programs$

  • pwd – – version

pwd – – version is used to check the version of the system.


shibi@linux:~$/bin/pwd – -version 

pwd (GNU coreutils) 8.30 

Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 

License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>. 

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. 

There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. 

Written by Jim Meyering.


  • pwd – -help

pwd – -help displays the pwd command help file with a list of available options.


shibi@linux-vm:~$ pwd – -help 

pwd: pwd [-LP] 

Print the name of the current working directory. 

Options : 

-L  print the value of $ PWD if it names the current working directory 

-P  print the physical directory, without any symbolic links 

By default, ` pwd ‘behaves as if` -L ‘ were specified.

Exit Status: Returns 0 unless an invalid option is given or the current directory cannot be read.

In Command

ln command is used to create soft links and hard links between files in Linux. ln means link. It has three forms. 1st form specifies the source file and destination to be linked. 2nd form specify the source file and directory to be linked. 3rd form specifies the directory name and a file to be linked to the directory.

Syntax: ln [OPTION]… [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME   (1st form)

              ln [OPTION]… TARGET… DIRECTORY     (2nd form)

              ln [OPTION]… -t DIRECTORY TARGET…  (3rd form)

ln command can be customized with many options to differentiate the outcomes. The commonly used options in ln command are the following. 

  • ln -v (version)

ln -v displays version details.


shibi@linux:~$ ln – -version 

ln (GNU coreutils) 8.30 

Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 

License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>. 

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. 

There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. 

Written by Mike Parker and David.


  • ln -v (verbose)

ln -v  displays the name of each file linked.


shibi@linux: ~/ geekexample$

test_dir test_dir1 

shibi@linux:~/fastexample$  echo “Hello World test 1” >> exfile2.txt

shibi@linux:~/fastexample$  echo “Hello World test 2” >> exfile2.txt

shibi@linux:~/fastexample$  echo “Hello World test 3” >> exfile2.txt

shibi@linux:~/fastexample$  ls

exfile1.txt  exfile2.txt  exfile3.txt  test_dir  test_dir1 

shibi@linux:~/fastexample$ ln -v  exfile1.txt  exfile2.txt  exfile3.txt  test_dir1 

‘test_dir1/exfile1.txt’ = > ‘exfile1.txt’

‘test_dir1/exfile2.txt’ = > ‘exfile2.txt’

‘test_dir1/exfile3.txt’ = > ‘exfile3.txt’


  • ln -h (help)

ln -h displays the ln command help file with a list of details.


shibi@linux:~/fastexample$ ls 

exfile1.txt   exfile2.txt   exfile3.txt   test_dir   test_dir1

shibi@linux:~/fastexample$ clear 

shibi@linux:~/fastexample$ In – -help 

Usage: In [OPTION]… [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME.    (1st form) 

       or: In [OPTION]… TARGET                                   (2nd form)  

       or: In [OPTION]… TARGET… DIRECTORY          (3rd form)  

       or: In [OPTION]… -t DIRECTORY TARGET…       (4th form) 

]In the 1st form, create a link to TARGET with the name LINK_NAME.

In the 2nd form, create a link to TARGET in the current directory.

In the 3rd and 4th forms, create links to each TARGET in DIRECTORY.

Create hard links by default, symbolic links with – -symbolic.

By default, each destination (name of new link) should not already exist. 

When creating hard links, each TARGET must exist.  

Symbolic links can hold arbitrary text; if later resolved, a relative link is interpreted in relation to its parent directory.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

   – -backup[= CONTROL]    make a backup of each existing destination file 

-b                                           like – backup but does not accept an argument 

-d, -f, -directory                allow the superuser to attempt to hard link 

                                          directories (note: will probably fail due to 

                                          system restrictions, even for the superuser) 

-f, – – force                        remove existing destination files 

-i , –interactive                prompt whether to remove destinations 

-L , –logical                     dereference TARGETS that are symbolic links

-n, – -no-dereference       treat LINK_NAME as a normal file if 

                                         it is a symbolic link to a directory 

-P, – -physical                  make hard links directly to symbolic links

-r, – -relative                    create symbolic links relative to link location 

-s, – -symbolic                make symbolic links instead of hard links 

-S , – -suffix = SUFFIX     override the usual backup suffix

-t, – -target-directory=DIRECTORY  specify the DIRECTORY in which to create

                                                    the links

mkdir Command

mkdir command is used to create a new file or directory. mkdir means make directory. You only need to specify the new folder’s name and verify that it does not already exist. This command is capable of simultaneously creating multiple directories and setting their permissions.

Syntax: mkdir [options] [directory name]

mkdir command can be customized with many options to differentiate the outcomes. The commonly used options in the ln command are the following. 

  • mkdir – -version

mkdir – -version displays version details.


shibi@linux:~/GFG $ mkdir – -version 

mkdir (GNU coreutils) 8.30 

Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 

License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>. 

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. 

There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. 

Written by David Makinze.

shibi@linux:~/GFG $

  • mkdir -v

mkdir -v displays a message every time a new directory is created.


shibi@linux:~/GFG $  mkdir -v one two three 

mkdir: created directory ‘one’ 

mkdir: created directory ‘two’ 

mkdir: created directory ‘three’ 

shibi@linux:~/GFG $  ls 

one three two 

shibi@linux:~/GFG $ 

  • mkdir -p

mkdir -p is used to create subdirectories without reporting any error.


shibi@linux:~/GFG $  mkdir -p -v first/second/third

mkdir: created directory ‘first’ 

mkdir: created directory ‘first/second’ 

mkdir: created directory ‘first/second/third’ 

shibi@linux:~/GFG $  ls 

  • mkdir – -help

mkdir – -help displays the mkdir command help file with a list of details.


shibi@linux: ~/GFG $  mkdir – -help 

Usage: mkdir [OPTION]… DIRECTORY… 

Create the DIRECTORY (ies), if they do not already exist . 

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

-m , – -mode = MODE    set file mode (as in chmod), not a=rwx – umask

-p , – -parents                  no error if existing, make parent directories as needed

-V , – -verbose                 print a message for each created directory 

-Z                                     set SELinux security context of each created directory

                                         to the default type 

       — context [=CTX]     like -Z , or if CTX is specified then set the SELinux

                                         or SMACK security context to CTX 

      – -help                        display this help and exit 

      – -version                  output version information and exit 

GNU coreutils online help: <> 

Full documentation at: <> 

or available locally via: info ‘(coreutils) mkdir invocation’ 

shibi@linux: ~/GFG $ 

  • mkdir -m a=rwx

mkdir -m a=rwx is used to set the permission to read, write, and execute on the created directory.


shibi@linux: ~/GFG $  mkdir -m a=rwx

shibi@linux: ~/GFG $  ls

1png              College

5555              farewell   2022-04-12   12:45:7png

linux.docx.    farewell   2022-04-11    12:42:7.png


shibi@linux: ~/GFG $

rm Command

The rm command removes objects from the file system, such as directories, files, symbolic links, etc. rm means to remove.

Syntax: rm [options] [file_name]

rm command can be customized with many options to differentiate the outcomes. The commonly used options in the rm command are the following. 

  • rm -r

rm -r is used for recursive deletion. It removes all files and subfolders in the directory without asking for confirmation.

Example: rm -r home/document/games

  • rm -f

rm -f is used for force deletion. It removes the file forcefully by overriding minor protection. It will not remove write-protect directories. 

Example: rm -f super.txt

  • rm -i

rm -i is used for Interactive deletion. It asks for confirmation from the user before removing each file.

Example: rm -i super.txt

cat Command

The cat command displays the file’s contents after reading the data. Cat means concatenate. It is used to create, view, and combine files.

Syntax: cat [options] [file_name]

cat command can be customized with many options to differentiate the outcomes. The commonly used options in the cat command are the following. 

  • cat -n

cat-n displays the contents of a file preceding with line numbers.

Example: cat-n will show the content of a file with a line number.

  • cat >

cat > is used to create a file.

Example: cat > shibi will create a file named shibi.

  • cat -v

cat -v displays non-printable characters.

Example: cat -v will display non-printable characters.

  • cat -s

cat -n suppress the repeated empty line in the content.

Example: cat -n will eliminate the repeated empty line.

  • cat -E

cat -E displays characters at the end of the line highlighted.

Example: cat -E will highlight the end of the line.

cp Command

cp Command is used to copy folders, files, and directories from one location to another. cp means to copy.

Syntax: cp [options] [source] [destination]

cp command can be customized with many options to differentiate the outcomes. The commonly used options in the cp command are -i (interactive), -f (force), -p (preserve), -b (backup), -a (archive), and -n (no overwrite)

mv Command

mv Command is used to move folders, files, and directories from one location to another. It performs two functions, such as moving files and renaming files. mv means to move. 

Syntax: mv [options] [source] [destination]

mv command can be customized with many options to differentiate the outcomes. The commonly used options in the cp command are -i (interactive), -f (force), -b (backup), and -n (no overwrite)


SSH is used for logging in to a shell on a remote host, file listing, creating folders, removing files, setting up automatic logging into a remote server, tunneling sensitive data, securely and efficiently backing up, copying, and mirroring files, forwarding a port, securing file transfer protocols, etc. SSH login credentials and SSH client is required to use SSH. On Linux, a native Terminal app is used for the connection. 

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