Acceptable Usage Policy

What is not allowed:

All services provided by TryRDP may only be used for lawful practices, and purposes. The laws applied to the Indian Government. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any Indian State or City law is prohibited. Every customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless TryRDP from any claims resulting from the use of our services. In addition, the use of our services to infringe upon any copyright or trademark is adamantly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized copying of music, books, photographs, or any other copyrighted material. The offer of sale of any counterfeit merchandise of a trademark holder will result in the immediate termination of your account. If you believe that your copyright or trademark is being infringed upon, please email [email protected] with the information required.

Banned Activities:

The following activities are banned for use on all our servers and may not be run by any customer(s) unless there is a written permission from us to do so. These activities are banned since they are either illegal / harmful / malicious / increase server loads.

  • Any kind of IRC Bots
  • DDoS / DoS / Brute Force tools
  • Any kind of E-mail spamming tools like AMS or TurboMaiiler
  • Hosting of Game Servers
  • Hacking / Cracking / Carding
  • Mail Bombers
  • Any type of sniffers
  • IP Spoofers
  • Port Scanners
  • Telnet or SSH Access Scripts
  • All versions of UBB (Ultimate Bulletin Boards)
  • Fake Login Pages
  • Resource hogging softwares which takes CPU more than 25%


The following acts will be considered violations of the AUP:

Illegal Use:
includes, but are not limited to:

  • Using the service in any way which violates Indian, State, Local, or International law
  • Transmitting copyrighted material without authorisation from the copyright holder
  • Violating export control regulations
  • Copyrighted media, without authority to distribute or display
  • File Storage/Image Hosting/File Repository/Streaming/Backup
  • Child pornography or kidnapping material

Malicious Activity:
includes, but are not limited to:

  • Wilfully interfering with the regular operation of the Service
  • Attempting to access any unauthorised system or services
  • Hosting any deceptive material for the purposes of phishing
  • Running any password cracking software
  • Virus, Spyware, Malware, or other infectious material
  • Running root exploit kits against other servers
  • Distributing viruses, worms, or trojan horses
  • Forging or misrepresenting message headers in whole or in part
  • Scanning networks
  • Threatening or encouraging bodily harm or destruction of property
  • Violating of the rights of privacy or publicity of an individual

Promotion of Illicit Activity:
includes, but are not limited to:

  • Any activities prohibited by Indian, State, Local, or International law
  • Any activities which result in the spread of computer viruses or other damaging programs or data files
  • Any activity or Material protected by trade secret or other statute
  • Fraudulent activity, phishing, pyramid schemes, chain letters, forgery, or impersonation
  • Terrorist propaganda, racist material, or bomb/weapon instructions
  • Hacking, Cracking programs or key generators
  • Gambling
  • Circumvention of copyright or patent protection
  • Exposure of any trade secret

Unsolicited Bulk Electronic Mailing:
includes, but are not limited to:

  • Transmitting any unsolicited commercial e-mail
  • Transmitting any unsolicited bulk e-mail
  • The Subscriber agrees to send bulk electronic mail only to those who have specifically requested to receive such mail and comply with all Indian, State, Local, and International laws governing the transmission of electronic mail.

Spaming and Related Activities:
includes, but are not limited to:

  • Posting commercial, political, or advertising posts to public forums
  • Issuing unsolicited trackbacks for the purpose of promotion
  • Providing DNS resolution in support of Unsolicited Bulk Electronic Mailing
  • Hosting a destination site linked from Unsolicited Bulk Electronic Mailing

includes, but are not limited to:

  • Consistent overuse of shared resources to the detriment of other Subscribers Operating an open proxy server or using the Service as part of a proxy network IRC and associated programs
  • Scripts commonly used for abuse, attacks, or flooding
  • Threatening, harassing, or obscene content
  • Any proxies which do not require authentication (including open or unprotected anonymous web surfing/mail proxies etc.)

Insufficiently-Secure Administration:
includes, but are not limited to:

  • Use of a null password, dictionary word as password, or any other form of authentication lacking reasonable secrecy from a third party as part of a root or user-level authentication scheme
  • Allowing an unauthorised third party to establish root access to Service provided by the Service Provider
  • Allowing an unauthorized third party to establish user-level access to Service provided by the Service Provider
  • Operating an open mail relay


  • Operating an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server
  • Denial of Service Attacks (DOS/DDOS)
  • Unnecessary Port Scans
  • Mail Bombing
  • Excessive CPU Load
  • Abusing Server Resources

The client make sure :

  • NOT to Use 25% or more of system resources for longer then 90 seconds. There are numerous activities that could cause such problems; these include: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, https, etc.
  • NOT Run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point in time on the server. This includes any and all daemons, such as IRCD.
  • NOT Run any type of web spider or indexer (including Google Cash / AdSpy) on shared servers.
  • NOT Run any software that interfaces with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
  • NOT Run any bit torrent application, tracker, or client. You may link to legal torrents off-site, but may not host or store them on our shared servers.
  • NOT Participate in any file-sharing/peer-to-peer activities
  • NOT Run any gaming servers such as counter-strike, half-life, battlefield1942, etc
  • NOT Run cron entries with intervals of less than 15 minutes.
  • NOT Run any MySQL queries longer than 15 seconds. MySQL tables should be indexed appropriately.
  • When using PHP include functions for including a local file, include the local file rather than the URL. Instead of include(“”) use include(“include.php”)
  • To help reduce usage, do not force html to handle server-side code (like php and shtml).
  • Only use https protocol when necessary; encrypting and decrypting communications is noticeably more CPU-intensive than unencrypted communications.
  • Hosting and Distributing Copyrighted Film Music from any language is strictly prohibited on the our servers. We will have to suspend your site without notice if a complaint is received about your site distributing such content. We also do regular audits to keep a check on such content being hosted on our servers.
  • Websites Distributing Copyrighted Music, Games, Mobile Apps, General Applications or any third-party paid Softwares are also not allowed on our servers. We do regular audits to keep a check on such content being hosted on our servers. As part of our Anti-warez measures, we strictly do not allow such applications and content to be hosted on our servers.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that scripts/programs installed under your account are secure and permissions of directories are set properly, regardless of installation method. When at all possible, set permissions on most directories to 755 or as restrictive as possible. Users are ultimately responsible for all actions taken under their account. This includes the compromise of credentials such as user name and password. It is required that you use a secure password. If a weak password is used, your account may be suspended until you agree to use a more secure password. Audits may be done to prevent weak passwords from being used. If an audit is performed, and your password is found to be weak, we will notify you and allow time for you to change/update your password.

Banned Scripts and programs:
The following scripts and programs are banned from use on our servers and may not be uploaded or run. Reasons for banning them include adverse effects on server load, invitations to hackers/spammers/criminal activity, etc.

  • IRC egg drops/Scripts/Bots
  • Game Servers in Rdp ( Any Plan )
  • Proxy Servers/Scripts/Anonymizers
  • Mail bombers
  • Anonymous mailers
  • IP and Port spoofers/Scanners
  • Hivemail/Mailer Pro
  • Telnet or SSH Access Scripts
  • nph-proxy (and other scripts which operates like proxy)
  • UBB (Ultimate Bulletin Board, all versions)
  • PHP/CGI Shells or Hacking Tools
  • FormMail.cgi, from Matt’s Script Archive are not allowed.
  • Pirated Software/Warez
  • Image Hosting Scripts (e.g similar to Photobucket or Tinypic)
  • AutoSurf/PTC/PTS/PPC sites
  • Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
  • Mail Bombers/Spam Scripts
  • Banner-Ad services (commercial banner ad rotation)
  • File Dump/Mirror Scripts (similar to rapidshare)
  • Commercial Audio Streaming (more than one or two streams)
  • Escrow/Bank Debentures
  • High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP) or Related Sites
  • Investment Sites (FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM/Pyramid Scheme)
  • Sale of any controlled substance without prior proof of appropriate permit(s)
  • Prime Banks Programs
  • Lottery/Gambling Sites
  • Hacker focused sites/archives/programs
  • Sites promoting illegal activities
  • Fraudulent/Phishing Sites (Including, but not limited to sites listed at &
  • Broadcast or Streaming of Live Sporting or Copyrighted Events (UFC, NASCAR, FIFA, NFL, MLB, NBA, WWE, WWF, etc)
  • Child pornography
  • Anything that sends unsolicited/Junk/spam emails

Torrent Activities: We NEVER allow any of our client to use public tracker for any kind of torrent activities including leeching, downloading or seeding etc. If some client use any public tracker, he does so on his own risk and he is solely responsible for it. We will immediately suspend such accounts if we get any kind of complaint regarding that torrent or IP or Account.

Specialised Hosting: We provide Specialised hosting services and each service have some specific scripts that can be used with that service. e.g. RapidLeech Hosting : Only RapidLeech script is allowed. Any similar or any other type of script is STRICTLY NOT allowed. Similarly sBorg Hosting is bound to sBorg script, TFRL Hosting is bound to TorrentFlux B4rt and rapidleech script only. Seedbox Hosting is bound to ruTorrent/Transmission and Rapidleech.

DDoS or Attack Prevention: Our Services DO NOT come with any kind of protection from DDoS or other net based attacks. You should harden your VPS/server security to get a basic protection against such attacks. Please note the following policies in case of an incoming/out going attacks via your VPS/Server.

INCOMING ATTACK on your VPS/Server : 1st Incident : Your IP will be null-routed for 24 hours or more and it can be reactivated if we think attack is stopped. 2nd Incident : If the attack comes again, we may null-route your IP for 72 hours or more and it can be reactivated if we think attack is stopped. 3rd and final incident : If the attack still continues, we will close your VPS/Server and provide you a way to backup your data. We may also decide to stop providing any new services to you or close your account permanently in case of frequent attacks on your services.

OUTGOING ATTACK from your VPS/Server : We strictly DO NOT allow such activities on our network including but NOT limited to DDoS/other Attacks, port scanning, hacking/cracking activities etc. If we found your services are involved in such activities, it will be suspended immediately and it may be closed permanently depending upon severity of the attack/issue.

Abuse policy:

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Any material that, in our judgment, is obscene or threatening is prohibited and will be removed from our servers with or without notice. Failure to respond to email from our abuse department within 48 hours may result in the suspension or termination of your services. All abuse issues must be dealt with via support ticket/email and will have a response within 48 hours. If in doubt regarding the acceptability of your site or service, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you. Potential harm to minors is strictly forbidden, including but not limited to child pornography or content perceived to be child pornography (Lolita): Any site found to host child pornography or linking to child pornography will be suspended immediately without notice. Violations will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

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